Check Your Renewal Date
If you Lost or Forgot you password to our website, it is quite easy to reset it.
At the main login screen just click on “Forgot password” as shown below:

You’ll then be prompted to put in your email address.
Be sure to enter in the email you used when registering for our site.
If you enter in an address that is not in our membership database – e.g. you typed it wrong or perhaps your email has changed since last renewing – you will see this message.
WRONG Email Entered

Try again, ensuring that you spelled it correctly and it is the correct email address. If you can’t remember what email you used for your account, just send us an email via the Contact Us page here.
After entering a correct address you will see this screen letting you know an email has been sent and to check your email for the confirmation link. If you don’t get an email within a couple of minutes,
particularly if you have an Embarqmail or Centurylink address. They are both notorious for thinking emails with embedded links are Spam. If you don’t get the email, let use know via the Contact Us page and we will work with you to reset it.

Correctly Entered Email
In a minute or so you should receive an email similar to the one below with a confirmation link in it.

Enter New Password
After clicking on the link, it will take you to the screen for entering a new password.
We highly recommend using a sentence with mnemonics rather than just a short complex word that is easily forgotten, not used, or worse yet, written down.
Over the past 20 years or so, we’ve been trained to use passwords that are hard for humans to remember, but easy for computers to guess. For an interesting paper on password length vs. complexity refer to the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) here. The Dept. of Homeland Security also addresses the issue on their Cybersecurity site here.

Welcome Message
After entering your new password you will be taken to our Welcome page shown below.

You will also receive an email similar to this one within a few minutes to let you know that your password was reset.