As Bruce mentioned in his August 28th forum post here and as posted on our website’s Home and Meetings pages, we had to cancel our Sept. 5th in-person Help Session meeting at Saddlebrook because we didn’t have enough helpers in town. Next month there is a good chance that we may very well be in the same situation as there are some of our core helpers who may still be up north and others who used to be regular helpers are no longer able to do so for various reasons.
*** We can not do these in-person sessions if there are only 3 or 4 people able to lend a hand!! ***
Back in the pre-Covid meeting days when we had in-person presentations at Saddlebrook announcements were made regarding the need for various helpers at the beginning of literally every meeting. We’ve also had a Helpers Needed message on our website in various places.
That message is about to get more prominence on our website later today because there has been little, if any, response to this need.
So if you’re able to lend a hand for our in-person Help sessions or would like to offer your services in some other technical areas that we also need help, please either reply in the forum here or if you’d rather do it more confidentially, you can use our website’s Contact Us – Support page here.
Many computer clubs across the US — not only Apple ones — are getting smaller and smaller, and cutting back on services they are able to offer. I sincerely hope we don’t go down that path. This is YOUR club and its support is all done by VOLUNTEERS. So please — if you can, please help us to keep this club going.